In what is my final podcast, it is a great honor to speak to the internationally acclaimed homeopath, Dr Ralf Jeutter, and the equally amazing Remy Vega. It was phenomenal to watch these two minds connect and such deep and powerful conversations be had. 
On a personal level, this is possibly one of the most meaningful for me since it combines my two loves of Homeopathy, encapsulated by Ralf, and Natural Law, encapsulated by Remy. 
This conversation represents the future and the power that lies within us all. Remember that no matter how chaotic it gets out there, as Ralf puts so beautifully 'the creator has not lost hold of his or her own creation.' I hope this podcast uplifts you as much as it did me. What a note to end on! 
You can connect with Remy at
You can connect with Lisa at and
If you want to get in touch with Ralf then he can be emailed at [email protected]
Music: Budhha by Kontest