2020-21 has been named The Collective Awakening and many of us have experienced first hand how disorientating and difficult the process of true awakening can be. Can you imagine going through this as a child? That is what happened to Episode's 3 guest, Remy Vega, and I was humbled when Remy shared with me his personal story of growing up in a tough background where the search for truth and a deeper understanding of human nature shaped him into the person he is today.   

Remy is a musician and student of religion, symbology and etymology.  Any of you who already follow Remy on Instagram or Telegram will appreciate his extremely well researched and in-depth knowledge of current events. It was a huge privilege that Remy opened up as to what led him to where he is now. We discuss his thirst for knowledge, his interpretation of 9/11, why he got into rap music and using it as an outlet for reflecting on his understanding of the world.  There will definitely be a part 2 because we only touch upon the deeper truth of current events and Remy's latest research and interests.....  

Connect with Remy on Instagram here https://www.instagram.com/remy.vega 

Connect with Remy on Telegram here https://t.me/thevegaarchives/ 

Connect with Lisa here https://www.instagram.com/lisastrbac/ 

Intro music: Buddha by Kontekst https://soundcloud.com/kontekstmusic https://loosechange911.com 
