What an honour to have one of the world's leading homeopaths, Natasha Burns, join me for this episode of Raw health Rebel Podcast. Natasha is an expert in infertility and homeopathic detox (or human chemistry method as it is also now called). 

We discuss:

- how she first discovered homeopathy

- how allopathic medication can leave an imprint on our systems and how homeopathy can help

- her work in infertility cases (which often have a clear picture of allopathic medications such as steroids, contraceptive pills etc need that to be homeopathically detoxed)

- her experience of covid vaccine side effects and what can be done to help

- her views on when homeopathic detox is needed versus classical homeopathy

- some of her most memorable cases including POTS and endometriosis

- her online dispensary Stellar Online where you can find some difficult to find remedies.

If you would like to join Lisa (and Natasha on week 4 of The Next Level course) then we have a limited number of spaces where you can get £50 off the course price with the code NATASHA50. This course launches 1 June and spaces are nearly sold out. Get your spot here

You can connect with Natasha at the following:

Stellar Online Pharmacy:https://stellaronline.co.uk/

Connect with Lisa at https://www.instagram.com/lisastrbac/

Music: Buddha by Konteskt