Recent research undertaken by Optiro's Director of Geology, Ian Glacken, shows there are a number of reports on resources being made to the market that are based on tenuous assumptions. This episode is part of a mini series on misinterpretations of the JORC code.

In this episode:

1:03 Is RPEEE hopeless?
2:08 What does 'reasonable' mean, actually?
2:51 What about 'eventual' and 'economic'?
4:16 Are we effectively defining ore reserves at the resource stage now?
6:03 What's causing you to be less optimistic about RPEEE now?
9:27 We can see people sidestepping the rules - why are we seeing people get away with it?
11:29 We're looking for a level playing field. What can we do to bring resource reporting in line with the code?
13:51 How can people get a hold of your paper that was presented at the conference?

For more information:

The Highly Vexed Issue of Reasonable Prospects of Eventual Economic Extraction (RPEEE) - Narrowing the Range of Practice (2019), Glacken, Ian. Mining Geology 2019 conference. Contact Ian Glacken - Optiro Director of Geology: [email protected]