Bulk sampling can help you get a more accurate idea of how much ore there is to be mined, but you need to have the scale to do it and know when it is appropriate. Dr Simon Dominy joins Director of Geology at Optiro Ian Glacken to discuss where he has seen it used well in the past.

In this episode:

1:07 Why do we need to do bulk sampling?
2:12 How do you define a bulk sample?
2:42 What are the key elements of a bulk sampling campaign?
4:28 What does bulk sampling cost?
5:08 What are some example projects that you've worked on?
6:20 What is a Nelson or Acacia reactor?
7:42 How do you know a bulk sample is appropriate?
8:48 What is the view on ore sorting? Can it be useful at a production scale?
10:08 Where can listeners go for more information?

For more information:

Contact Ian Glacken - Optiro Director of Geology: [email protected] Contact Simon Dominy - [email protected] Optiro website