Seeing the world as a consultant geologist can take you places, but some of them are a little too exciting to experience twice! Optiro's Director of Geology Ian Glacken recalls some stories including escaping a revolution, meeting Danie Krige on a pile of gold bars and having his clothes eaten by goats.

In this episode:

1:00 Following C tutoring from Larry Page at Stanford, where did you travel next?
2:40 What were your first trips as a consultant geologist like?
4:57 Meeting the guys from Bre-X
6:15 Escaping a revolution
8:01 Where do you go most frequently in the mining world?
9:14 What happened on your first trip to Africa?
10:10 Meeting Danie Krige
11:18 Do goats eat washing in Burkina Faso?

For more information:

Contact Ian Glacken - Optiro Director of Geology: [email protected] Optiro website