We talk about Indie to AAA games marketing, get a lesson on #AltGames from our guest Jason Vega, aka @vegapedia everywhere and a lot more. We had a great time with Jason and look forward to more from him in the #AltGames space.

Question for Jason:

Via @Comosedicenerd on twitter: I've read a bit about #altgames and want to learn more - any recommendations on what to play/read? Thanks!

Follow a bot created Soha_Kareem: @supportaltgames

soha kareem: @sokareemie

she’s also here: Press Here to Bitch



AltGames on Twitter


Jonah Peretti: http://www.critical-theory.com/buzzfeed-founder-responds-to-his-marxist-roots-lol/

What we’re playing:

Jason: Strawberry Cubes, Journey

Tanya: Witcher 3, Mortal Kombat X, Journey

David: Shadowrun: Dragonfall

#AltGames folks you should follow:



Where to find our guest online:

Twitter: @vegapedia

Tumblr: http://vegapedia.tumblr.com

Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/vegapedia

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/vegapedia

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Vegapedia

Where to find your hosts online:

Tanya D. - @cypheroftyr // @INeedDivGms

Twitch: twitch.tv/cypheroftyr // twitch.tv/INeedDivGames

Patreon: patreon.com/INeedDiverseGames

David L. Reeves - @RedConversation,

Twitch: twitch.tv/red_conversation

Patreon: patreon.com/redconversation

You can listen to the show at freshoutoftokens.simplecast.fm, email us at [email protected] and follow us on twitter at @OutOfTokensCast.

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