••• Accessing Your Divine Inheritance by Purging Yourself From Sin .

••• Bible Study Verses: Joshua 1:1-3, Joshua 3:1-16, II Timothy 2:20-21, Habakkuk 1:13, II Corinthians 6:17, Job 1:8-9, Ephesians 5:26, Galatians 5:16, Romans 7:22-23, Isaiah 59:1-2, Isaiah 1:16-20, Psalm 118:27, I Peter 5:8, Hebrews 6:12 .

••• “To walk after The Spirit a believer must inhibit his mind from revolving endlessly. If it turns too long around one topic, worries or grieves too much over matters, and ponders too intensively to know God's will, it may become unbearable and hamper its normal operation. The mind needs to be kept in a steady and secure state”, Watchman Nee, (Born: Ni Tuosheng, or Nee T'o-sheng ( 倪柝聲; pinyin: Ní Tuòshēng, 1903 – 1972), Renown Chinese Church leader whose tongue was cut out by the communists because he refused to stop preaching the gospel even after multiple imprisonments †.

••• “...I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh“ Galatians 5:16, NKJV .

••• Is divine inheritance dependent on man?

••• After the purification of the Hebrews what 2-things happened?

••• What are the 3-powers of purity?

••• What are 6-reasons why a child of God should actively seek purity?

••• What are the 4-life actions for becoming pure?

••• What are the 3-challenges to becoming pure?

••• What is the relation between Holy Spirit and purity?

••• What are 5-life actions of purity that can access inheritance?

••• What are 7-attributes of a purity candidate?

••• Are you going to ask your small group to pray that you will become more pure through the power of Holy Spirit?

••• Pastor Godwin Otuno expounds on this and much more on the exciting journey of Fresh Encounters Radio Podcast originally aired on February 10, 2024 on WNQM, Nashville Quality Ministries and WWCR World Wide Christian Radio broadcasted to all 7-continents on this big beautiful blue marble, earth, floating through space. Please be prayerful before studying The Word of God so that you will receive the most inspiration possible .

••• This Discipleship Teaching Podcast is brought to you by Christian Leadership International and all the beloved of God who believe in it’s mission through prayer and support. Thank you .

••• Exceeding Thanks to Universe Creator Christ Jesus AND photos by Andrew Ruiz Photography, Mesa, Arizona, https://www.andrew-ruiz.com/ , https://www.instagram.com/andrew.r.ruiz/ , https://www.behance.net/andrewruiz AND www.hotpot.ai. Art Direction by gil on his mac with free mac layout software

••• SHARING LINK: https://shows.acast.com/fresh-encounter-radio-podcast/240210-purging-yourself-from-sin-part-6-live-overcomers-life .

••• † http://christian-quotes.ochristian.com/Watchman-Nee-Quotes/ .

••• Study Guides at - https://shows.acast.com/fresh-encounter-radio-podcast/episodes .

••• Broadcaster's Website - https://www.lifelonganointing.com/ .

••• RESOURCE - https://www.soundcloud.com/thewaytogod/ .

••• RESOURCE - https://www.biblegateway.com/audio/mclean/kjv/john.1%20 .

••• FERP240210 Episode#315 GOT240210Ep315 .

••• Living The Overcomer’s Life ~ Accessing Your Divine Inheritance by Purging Yourself From Sin .

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