Next Episode: The Empty Tomb

••• The Overcomer’s Attitude, Part-10 Ep 319 .

••• Bible Study Verses: Numbers 13:1-33, Numbers 14.1-24, Proverbs 23:7, Romans 12:2, Psalm 139:14, Proverbs 18:10, Philippians 4:19, Jeremiah 29:11, Romans 12:2, Psalm 119:9, Ephesians 1:3, Numbers 23:19, Daniel 11:32, Psalm 139:14, Proverbs 28:19, Proverbs 13:20, Daniel 11:32 .

••• “It is impossible to be our best at the supreme moment if character is corroded and eaten into by daily inconsistency, unfaithfulness, and besetting sin” .

••• “God incarnate is the end of fear; and the heart that realizes that He is in the midst... will be quiet in the middle of alarm”, F.B. Meyer, 1847-1929, Frederick Brotherton Meyer, a contemporary & friend of DL Moody was a Baptist pastor & evangelist in England. †

••• “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord", 2 Timothy 1.7-8, NKJV .

••• What was the result of the whining and complain of the Hebrews who wanted to go back to eygpt?

••• What did the Hebrews do when they saw the fortified cities and the giants in the promised land?

••• Why must we develop a positive mental attitude?

••• What was the REAL problem the Hebrew people faced?

••• What is the real problem for so many people of God in this day and age?

••• Were did the Hebrews get stuck?

••• What type of slavery did the Hebrews experience after Egypt?

••• What are 5-reasons why so many Christians develop the Grasshopper mentality?

••• For more on how to eliminate the grasshopper mentality, listen to episodes 88-97, “Winning The Battle For The Mind” ( THRU )

••• Are you going to allow the Grasshopper Mentality continue to hold you back?

••• Are you going to ask your small group to pray that you will be the kind of person who will more intentionally eliminate a Grasshopper Mentality through the power of Holy Spirit?

••• Pastor Godwin Otuno expounds on this and much more on the exciting journey of Fresh Encounters Radio Podcast originally aired on March 9, 2024 on WNQM, Nashville Quality Ministries and WWCR World Wide Christian Radio broadcasted to all 7-continents on this big beautiful blue marble, earth, floating through space. Please be prayerful before studying The Word of God so that you will receive the most inspiration possible .

••• This Discipleship Teaching Podcast is brought to you by Christian Leadership International and all the beloved of God who believe in it’s mission through prayer and support. Thank you .

••• Exceeding Thanks to Universe Creator Christ Jesus AND photos by Andrew Ruiz Photography, Mesa, Arizona, , , AND . Art Direction by gil on his mac with free mac layout software .


••• †

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••• Living The Overcomer’s Life ~ The Overcomer’s Attitude .

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