Davos Dreamers & Schemers3000 of the world's most smug & self-congratulating sociopaths spent a week in the Swiss mountains in their annual conference to suppress and enslave the entire world.Eddie & Dave talk about what's become of the group in just 10 years.we talk about coffee, teetotalers, and European languages.And a Navy Seal went missing 4 years ago(supposedly, and ended up dead in Ukraine last week.So much more, as well.AUDIOVIDEOCatch all our shows at www.FreshBlack.CoffeeConnect with us at www.facebook.com/freshblackcoffeeOur audio podcast is at feeds.feedburner.com/thefreshblackcoffeepodcastOur video podcast is at feeds.feedburner.com/freshblackcoffeevideoWatch the video on our YouTube channel, Facebook, website, or with your podcasting app.   We record the show every Saturday and release it later the same day.
Jeff Davis commentary appears courtesy of www.theThoughtZone.comClick here to watch this episode »