Congressional Politics, Tribal Compacts, Decadent Western Culture, & Primary  Endorsement DramaWes Nofire may be the best hope for bringing the Eastern Oklahoma Tribes and the state political leaders to a constructive dialogue and solution to the current standoffs over crime & casino policies.Wes is a Cherokee Tribal Council member and a conservative Republican running for the US congressional district for Eastern Oklahoma. His campaign manager is a former Mullin congressional staffer and political organizer; as well as a West Point Military Graduate.  The Nofire campaign announced that they have the support of both Gov. Kevin Stitt & AG John O'Conner.  Having the trust of tribal members and their adversary (Gov. Stitt) is a rare reality. So we sat down for an in-depth interview about the issues impacting Eastern Oklahoma and our state's business environment.Then we discuss the decadence of western culture and the globalists who've gone off the deep end.
Eddie reveals the insane civil judgment against Geico Insurance, because a woman caught an STD from having sex in the back seat of a car insured by Geico.David reveals the drama of some early endorsements in Oklahoma primary races.AudioVideoNofire InterviewStearman Endorsement
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Jeff Davis commentary appears courtesy of www.theThoughtZone.comClick here to watch this episode »