In this special installment, we continue our focus on the lovely Cindy Wilt Colville whose journey came to close earlier this month. Cindy was a CCM veteran with more than 25 years invested in the Christian music industry. Throughout her career she was a fierce advocate for and mentor to songwriters including Ross King, our Episode 10 guest.Though no longer updated, much can still be learned from and about Cindy by visiting her website and YouTube channel as well as many other locations where shared by the multitude of artists she has encountered.The selected excerpt is drawn from an interview conducted by Rick Lee James for his podcast, Voices in My Head. To listen to the full episode and text of the source interview, please visit Voices in My Head, Episode 26. We had our choice of many excerpts that provide great insight, so it’s certainly worth your time to check it out.We encourage you to share any additional wisdom by Cindy via twitter using the hashtag #CindyWiltColville – we will track and share as appropriate.

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