Fleetwood DeVille, Daniel Olney

New Business

Talk about the act of disclosing real peoples information in a song and the potential ramifications/problems.
Discuss specific examples


Romantic version-Drake innovated the disclosure of an ex’s first name “Courtney from Hooters on Peachtree” from Nothing Was The Same. In the purest business sense this acted as an easter egg for the listener that built intrigue. The day a Drake album came out fans hit the internet to find out who this was and dig for details.
Street version-countless versions of rappers disclosing the plug names/details to bank on the dramatic criminal story. Authorities are always monitoring hip hop and every detail given is researched and potentially helping a R.I.C.O. case.
LGBTQ version-Whether its Kendrick giving family details in Auntie Diaries or Jay-z telling his mother's story in Smile off 4:44.  This is taking someone's most private important secret and declaring it to the world. It brings the audience closer to the MC by humanizing them through familial affiliations and nuance but at the end of the day it’s someone else's secret for a reason.


This is not a musical critique. We are not starting from the point that Mr. Morale and The Big Steppers is bad or great or anything. Auntie Diaries begs a necessary question about the boundaries of art and personal life that has always been a question and badly needs to continue to be discussed.

Intro and outro music from Fallout: Vault 908 by Brainorchestra