Plasma Exchange and Glucocorticoids in Severe ANCA-Associated Vasculitis

Summary on NephJC


Joel Topf

Swapnil Hiremath

Samira Farouk

Jennie Lin

Jordy Cohen

Show Notes:

55th ERS-EDTA Congress, late breaking and high impact trials. June 2018

The CJASN Review recommended by Jennie

MEPEX study

C5a antagonist, Avacopan in ANCA-Associated Vasculitis

The fragility index as described in JAMA Surgery

Michael Walsh looks at the Fragility Index in 399 trials in medical literature

The EVOLVE trial of Cinacalcet. Age-adjusted HR results in statistically significant results for primary outcome, but was not defined as the primary endpoint. Patients were one year older in the cinacalcet group; older age known to increase mortality in dialysis patients. Wiki Journal Club.

Ron Falk and his irresponsible editorial.

Cochrane Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Anti‐cytokine targeted therapies for ANCA‐associated vasculitis

NephMadness is now in full swing at the AJKDblog!