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A Meek & Humble Up Yours

Yes I am a terrorist if that means I’m anti government
Yes I’m a suicide bomber if my faith is a religion
Yes I’m a fanatic & mad woman if I’m an over believer
Yes I will fight to the death for love & my convictions
Jesus is black, fact is he flew away on a golden chariot
God knows why he suffered for our sins
There’s a thin line between belief & faith, love & hate
To date Armageddon’s still arriving, to late to reach the truth
Biblical concepts & misguided soul’s walk the earth alone, where no-body goes
Persecuted the Son of God, & what of the children of God the demons forgot
A world so corrupt full of lies, like we live in a fallacy throughout present & future history
Don’t ignore me up here on my soapbox
Run & hide like the devil in the Vatican, governed by new world order
Spit the truth as I see a forked tongue & sister company of Rothschild’s holocaust
Council of foreign relations inherited demonic spiritual pedigree
Mystical elements of particles in life
So hard to live – just alive, every breath I breath silently I’m screaming out load
My sole existence, that I’m even here, I know God is real with the severity of my life
I give to thee in whatever form you be cruising worlds & galaxies
Every day on this earth they rip away a piece of you is apart of me
Blind us & it gets hard to see
I long to be by your side again happy and free
My whole life you held my hand & rescued me, like parasites we are unworthy
I ask for forgiveness in all of my wrongs & love & humbleness to make them right
Our Mayan descendants & Inca cousins left the truth, on vanishing late in the night
The earth in minute, the universe is plentiful & bigger than 10% brain use can comprehend
Creations of Gods experimenting, heavens above the clouds so high, like a UFO in the sky
3 Wise men knew right then, like I know right now
Satan is a coward lonely & taunted, being inside it’s self, being him
The second coming is arriving, while conniving devils dissecting everything
History in the making, as I speak there destroying & remaking, trying to be like Gods
Ready to battle in the apocalypse of the end time
Long overdue & only a few true warriors on the front line
144 thousand & ready to be counted, forget crime stoppers, I’m coming forward
Confessing I am a terrorist of a lyrical kind & words are my weapon of choice
A solider in the terrorist regiment, tired of hiding, I’m coming out full guns blazing
Reciting & indicting & ready to start fighting
My tongues loaded at 75 words a minute
Diminish responsibility & say what I want when I put pen to paper
Like it is a holy war, guess that makes me Jihad, Taliban of Al Queda
Sad the fact the truth is twisted propped up gander hidden behind a bush of Tony’s lies
Thousands die as the innocent watch on and cry
Why is it I see lizard men in tie & suites
Demonic governments around table of nine
Discussing science & medical food for society teachers & preachers
Lying & spying, believing what you see
A glitch in the matrix you realises to see
Robbed of your sanity in a 9-5 pod, dissect the planet leaving no-one sanctuary
Literally spiritually I won the battle
Thankfully my 3rd eye is open to see & with poetic justice I burn the Brit/Usa flag
Proudly I sing out load a solider ready for action

Formerly INSTIGATOR© Now Freelaylay

Melanie Layton
27th March 2004