Seth Godin once wrote that “people do not buy goods and services. They buy relations, stories, and magic” Mark Schaefer wrote that “Research shows that trust in companies, brands, and advertising has declined worldwide 12 years in a row. Who do people trust? Other people!”

The advantage we have as freelancers is that we are our brand. We don’t have to rely on others to convey our message behind why we do what we do, as we get to tell that story ourselves.

In last week’s Freelance Heroes podcast (Episode 30: A Podcast about Podcasting”) we learned how podcasting can be a highly effective way of getting our voice out there. Today, we learn why personality and tone of voice are so important too. So how can we showcase our personality? What are the benefits and risks? What if we don’t consider ourselves to have a personality?

About Dave Harland

Dave is a senior copywriter with over 15 years’ in-house and agency experience in marketing and advertising. He specialises in helping brands speak to their audiences with clarity, authenticity, and personality, and has written for the likes of Jaguar Land Rover, Emirates, Nespresso, and Standard Chartered Bank.





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