Being part of any community takes time and commitment. Like a physical networking event, you cannot just walk in and expect others to come flocking towards you. So how much time should you commit? And how do you measure what you get out of it? Also, if it’s not all about selling and letting people know what you do…what is the point of it all? In this episode, we travel to Northern Ireland and meet Dawn Baird, and here her answers to these questions, and how being an active part of a community has helped her own freelance business to start and grow.

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Meet Dawn Baird

Dawn Baird is a straight-talking Content Developer from Northern Ireland. Together with her husband Allen, she established communication consultancy Sensei in 2006. Their strapline is: Communicate Better. She is inspired by the enabling and liberating principles of Dweck’s Growth Mindset, Langer’s brand of Mindfulness, and anyone who has the cahones (Dawn’s own words here) to call a spade a spade. Over the last few years, Dawn has nailed one of her key professional goals – location independence – and loves to combine work with travel. In this episode, Ed chats with Dawn about… [left this bit so you can put your own spin on it]

Here is the blog mentioned in the episode:

Why Your Non-Entrepreneurial Family And Friends Don’t Understand What You Do:

You can also connect with Dawn at:





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