Russ and I will be opening up about  the corruption with Vaccines, masks, mandates, gun rights, personal freedom, finances, and health , chemtrails, and MORE!

Diana Hope is a naturally expressive freedom fighter with TOO many years of personal experience in expressing medical freedom, vaccine dangers & corrupt political legislation. 

Diana maintains her expertise in health, wellness , and holistic care. 

Diana spent several years in the airline and hotel industry. Animal rescue, too! 

Love her or hate her, she’s blunt, outgoing, and will fiercely continue to fight to spread truth,  expose tyranny, and defend our 

God-given rights nationwide! 

To contact Diana, please email [email protected] or go to

Meet Russ Tanner 

I spent most of my life living with horrible depression, only later to find out that it was caused by the mercury off-gassing from my dental "silver" fillings. In 2000, I had my "silver" fillings replaced and recovered from 17 physical symptoms and numerous fears, phobias, and emotional struggles, almost overnight.

Now I want to tell the world about mercury and how it causes over 200 of the world's most common diseases today.

Now, I want to tell the world about chemtrails and how they are destroying people's health all over the globe.

Besides being beset by government-induced health issues the majority of my life, 

I am currently CEO of a small publishing company that provides scientific information, computer programs, and websites to alternative health professionals. I have a few published articles and have appeared on a few alternative internet talk shows and pod casts for my activism exposing chemtrails and the health dangers of mercury.