On this very special episode of the Real Estate Sales Show, I teach you how to perform your own mid-year review to help you determine if you are on track to meet your 2016 goals. You may have never done a mid-year review before, but it is mandatory for everyone on my team and is critical to your success. This is an important episode if you are interested in becoming the best real estate professional that you can be. Listen and learn: Why a mid year review is so important.
Why you need to have a business plan.
How to calculate where you are in terms of your annual goal.
What your ratios to listings taken, sales opened and deals closed should be.
If you are not at 40 – 50% of your goal, why you need to understand the reasons that you got in the way.
Why you need to change your habits, not your goals.
And so much more

Episode resources: Danny Morel on Facebook https://www.instagram.com/dannymorel (Danny Morel on Instagram)