Allow me to introduce you to a woman with a very unique, extraordinary view of life thanks to a particular special gift. Mary-Anne Wagner does what is called 'soul counselling', communicating with the souls of loved ones and/or animals past and present to share messages you need to hear to find peace in your life.

Mary-Anne can even invite your own soul to connect with her, to show her what it most wants you to know. And when she passes on what she has been shown, it feels like something you knew deep down, but perhaps ignored, or turned away from, or allowed to be shouted down by noisier things in your life. Mary-Anne’s personal story is compelling and the wisdom she has gained from this unusual ‘career’ is incredibly important.

I simply had to invite Mary-Anne onto the podcast to find out more about how she discovered this gift, how she has helped others heal, and what we can all learn from the recurring themes she has been witness to. Don’t miss this!

We talk more about the work Mary-Anne does and the session we had together, so if you’re intrigued, listen in…