It is not always easy to get to the top of the mountain, but the view from the Top is so much better and its worth the effort!  Our guest today is Kemi Egan.  Kemi worked in the insurance field and did well for herself.  However when the market crashed in 2008, many of her clients went bankrupt.  And when they did, all of the money that they owed her went up in smoke.  Kemi was homeless for about 7 months and was looking for a way to restart her life and her income.  Real Estate Investing was intriguing.  And even though she didn’t have the money to buy real estate on her own behalf, she figured out some creative strategies to build wealth and launch her freedom lifestyle.

Listen to todays Podcast on how Kemi Egan went from Homeless to a Freedom Lifestyle through real estate investing.

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The post From Homeless to Wealthy … How I Did It | Podcast 156 first appeared on Freedom Real Estate Investing.