Do you want to know the ten-step framework to actually form meaningful and sustainable partnerships and alliances in a coaching business? This podcast is for you.

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In this episode, you'll learn:

The critical role partnerships play in the success of your coaching business. The importance of aligning values and ethics with potential partners. How to shift from a profit-focused mindset to an impact-focused one. Building trust as the foundation of successful partnerships. 10 actionable steps to effectively build alliances and partnerships, including defining your value system, developing your product, identifying potential partners, and more. The win-win-win approach to designing partnership initiatives. The value of forming deeper alliances with established ecosystems. How to define roles and goals with your partners. The importance of keeping accounting clean and transparent. Cultivating a long-term mindset and seamless processes for sustainable partnerships.

Don't miss out on these invaluable insights into scaling your coaching business through successful alliances and partnerships. Subscribe on Apple and Spotify to stay updated with our podcast series!