I had to be honest with myself ⁠— am I committed to creating a life that reflects my own beliefs and values or am I following a path that's being created for me?

It's  really difficult to not be influenced and when the pandemic changed public opinion about  everything I stood for, an identify crisis ensued and I lost my voice.

This long overdue episode shares why I paused my podcast for an entire year, how I leveraged this time and what I think freedom seekers now need in a post-covid world.

About this show:

Freedom is achieved by creating a life that reflects your individual beliefs and desires whether or not they align with the norms and expectations you’re exposed to. It’s when you give yourself permission to be truly yourself, because no one can give you that power but you. 

Sam Laliberte - entrepreneur, digital nomad and freedom seeker, hosts the Freedom Lifestyle Podcast as an effort to make alternative living, less alternative. Her guests push the boundaries of what it means to live a life that’s courageously authentic and on your own terms. 

Topics like remote work, passive income, financial freedom, gig economy, lifestyle business, van life, entrepreneurship, minimalism, consciousness, and more!

Get exposed to and learn from the various ways to create your dream life and finally unlock the lifestyle you know you deserve.