Rhama Dashuri is a spiritual business coach, badass mom, serial entrepreneur and queen of vibes. Her “f the rules”, rebellious approach to achieving true freedom had me captivated when I first heard he speak at the Envision Festival. 

In this episode Rhama shares: 

The role self love plays in access creativity and innovation in entrepreneurshipHow to use what makes us different to our advantage (shadow work)Her approach to manifesting speaking opportunities and wealthLaunching her coaching business and the process of raising her prices Naming limiting beliefs and how to manifest like a MF!

Additional Links: 

Follow RhamaDiscover Rhama's OffersGet Resources for Freedom Seekers Join the Freedom Lifestyle community Follow Sam 

About the show:

✨ Freedom Lifestyle is an online community and podcast series that empowers the movement towards flexible work. Sam Laliberte interviews remote workers, digital nomads and self-employed people who've pursued a lifestyle that allows them to work from anywhere. Sam discovers their version of the Freedom Lifestyle, learn how they got there and reflect on the impact its had. ✨