You know what birthdays can be like. Maybe you're someone who makes their own cake or perhaps you have a history of pulling a Rachel Green.

Turning 30 for me feels somewhere in the middle 🥳

This fall, I'll be sliding into a new decade which has triggered a number of expectations and unwanted introspection. Maybe you can relate?

2019 has been my year of journals 📚

With all this self/society imposed personal evaluation, I was inspired to create something others could benefit from.

In 29 years + 10 months of life, I've learned a thing or two.

The biggest one? Aging is actually a privilege.

Not everyone gets the gift of turning 30. I'm gonna try it own it along with the 29 other lessons I've learned since 1989 💣

Have a friend who should learn these lessons? 

Fwd this episode their way for instant karma points 🤙


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About the show:

✨ Freedom Lifestyle represents the movement towards freedom in life and work. We interview entrepreneurial people who've created a lifestyle of independence, that's on their own terms. We discover their version of the Freedom Lifestyle, learn how they got there and reflect on the impact its had. ✨