As travelers our lives our constantly changing all the time. We have been travelers for the past 11 years and we've pivoted & changed direction so many times. We've taken PRN jobs, We've lived abroad, We've travelled internationally for months at a time, We've started multiiple businesses....
You name it...We've tried it. We always say .... You never know until you go...unti you give somethinig a try. If we feel called to do somethiing we always give it a try and see how we feel & we are not scared to change course if it doesn't work out or feel good.

So after our Bali trip....we had some big life converstations and we have decided to Pivot again!!!
We are off to begin another big adventure!
We break it all down and update you on all the things in this episode. We go all over the place in this episode, but our life feels all over the place right it's fitting:)

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