Medical tyranny has been ubiquitous in some form or fashion across the world for nearly three years. It ebbs and flows in severity with 2022 ending on a relatively free note. But the next wave of Pandemic Panic Theater is already in motion and the powers-that-be are adding a new wrinkle to the mix for 2023.Shortages of common drugs ranging from child fever reducing medication to antibiotics are already hitting. It's going to get worse as we get deeper into winter. Some are predicting that by Spring of 2023 we will be in a full-scale pharmaceutical catastrophe as supply chains break down and shortages extend to other medications.This makes sense when we consider the machinations of the globalist elite cabal bent on ushering in The Great Reset. Establishing public-private partnerships that put the power in the hands of unelected corporate officials is one of the keys to their success. There's already an unofficial public-private partnership operating from the shadows in which the CDC and FDA trade talent back and forth with Big Pharma. Today's regulators are tomorrow's Pfizer VPs. Today's Moderna executive directors are on tomorrow's medical boards to determine the safety of new drugs. The relationship between Big Pharma and the government groups tasked with regulating them is downright lecherous.On today's episode of The JD Rucker Show, I listed the coming medical tyranny as one of ten machinations from the globalist elite cabal to expect in 2023. If all we had to deal with was a pharmaceutical shortage, we would be okay in the long run. But the powers-that-be appear to be planning another round of Pandemic Panic Theater. Lockdowns combined with a shortage could devastate the masses, prompting calls for government to do something. That's exactly what they want.Here's a breakdown of what we're already facing with children's medications. Keep in mind this is BEFORE winter and the challenges of diseases that always accompany the cold season. According to Mac Slavo at SHTF Plan...Pharmacies Begin Rationing Children’s Cold Medicine Amid ShortagesWalgreens and CVS pharmacies have started to limit (ration) the amount of children’s medicine that can be purchased amid an ongoing shortage. A Walgreens spokesperson told Nexstar that the decision to ration medication was due to “increased demand and various supplier challenges,” and that pediatric fever-reducing products are “seeing constraint across the country.”CVS spokesperson Mary Gattuso said the drugstore chain created the product limit to ensure “equitable access for all our customers.” There is currently a two-product limit on all children’s pain relief products at all CVS Pharmacy locations and, Gattuso confirmed. “We’re committed to meeting our customers’ needs and are working with our suppliers to ensure continued access to these items,” Gattuso said.Remember, there are enough COVID shots, ingredients to make them, syringes, and needles to inject every human on this globe four times or more. Yet there’s a shortage of cold and flu medication.* There Are Magically Enough COVID Shots For Everyone, But Not Enough Other DrugsThe ruling class is blaming the shortage on the “tripledemic” and it being cold and flu season, even though this comes around every year.“There are more sick kids at this time of year than we have seen in the past couple years,” said Dr. Shannon Dillon, a pediatrician at Riley Children’s Health in Indianapolis. Drugmaker Johnson & Johnson says it is not experiencing widespread shortages of Children’s Tylenol, but the product may be “less readily available” at some stores. The company said it is running its production lines around the clock.These big pharma companies are making so many COVID shots they have to dispose of them because no one wants them anymore, but can’t be bothered to create over-the-counter medicines that help alleviate symptoms when someone gets sick. And yet, the masters continue to tell the slaves it’s a demand issue, not a supply issue.Former Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Scott Gottlieb told CBS “Face the Nation” host Margaret Brennan on Sunday that shortages of children’s cold medicine, as well as an ongoing shortage of antibiotic drugs, are the result of unanticipated levels of demand, not a problem with the supply chain.Gottlieb also added that the pharmaceutical industry’s “sophisticated supply chain” should catch up soon. Sure. Because they care so much about people, right?* Flu Vaccines Don’t Work For The Same Reason COVID Injections Don’t Work* America Waiting to Explode: “If Supply Lines Go Down… Millions of FDA-Approved Drug Addicts Go Psycho”Stock Up NowWhile there are still drugs available on the shelves and behind the counter, it behooves us all to stock up on the medications we may need. The good news is that most drugs have long shelf lives as long as they remain sealed, but the better news is that they can retain potency and remain safe long after their "expiration date."According to NowRx:So, how long does medication last after the expiration date? According to research, your medicine is likely still safe and effective years after its expiration date.In fact, one study found that 90% of more than 100 drugs, both prescription and over-the-counter, were perfectly good to use even 15 years after the expiration date.With the Chinese Communist Party controlling 90% of the ingredients used in American pharmaceuticals, it behooves us all to assume that massive shortages are coming. In the vein of hoping for the best but preparing for the worst, we encourage working with our sponsors for antibiotics delivered to your door to store just in case.One does not have to be a "conspiracy theorist" to see the major risks we're facing with pharmaceutical shortages that could lead to advanced medical tyranny. The prudent will be stocking up on any of the medicines and treatments they need today in case the pharmacies are shut down tomorrow.According to an article by Michael Snyder at The Economic Collapse Blog, the release of new diseases is already happening...Horrifying Pestilences Are Starting To Run Wild All Over The GlobeHow many millions have to die before people start to realize what is happening?  For years, I have been persistently warning that we would soon enter an era of great pestilences, and now it is here.  Sadly, what we have witnessed over the past few years is just the tip of the iceberg.  At this point we have been perfectly primed for future pandemics because vast numbers of people all over the planet are now running around with compromised immune systems.  That means that diseases will now be able to spread even more easily, and this is a trend that we have already started to see all throughout 2022.Strep A is the latest illness to run wild in the western world.  The number of children being admitted to the hospital with Strep A is way above normal in the U.S., and this appears to particularly be true in the western half of the country…A deadly wave of Strep A infections in children looks set to take off in the US — weeks after the UK was hit by a spate of deaths.At least two children have died in Colorado after suffering the normally-mild illness, and pediatric hospitals in five states — Arizona, Colorado, Texas, Washington and West Virginia — are reporting much higher levels of admissions than usual.At the country’s largest pediatric hospital in Texas, doctors are already handling f