I think I’m certainly showing my age by the title of this week’s episode but En Vogue certainly was on to something. On today’s episode I talk about non-conformity and how it is ok to go against the grain.

For those of us in our thirties and beyond, it is so easy to find ourselves doing things that we honestly don’t want to do, or engaging in things we can careless about.  This can be anything from accepting a role at work that everyone thinks you should accept but you yourself know that it isn’t the right move for you. It can be succumbing to societal pressures of marriage and children when all you truly want to do is focus on your career. It can also be intentionally dimming your light in the workplace, because the culture dictates that you keep  your head down and stay under the radar. 

In order for we as women of color to truly develop into the individuals we were meant to become, we have to resist the urge to conform. We have to free our minds from the noise of friends, family society and really dig in to ourselves to determine what it is that we truly want. If what you want goes against the grain, then so be it. Take a stance. Be comfortable with your stance  and live your life in the way that is best suited for you and your circumstances. Free your mind, and the rest will follow...

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