We welcome HomeschoolLeader.com founder David Rodriguez to the show. David James Rodriguez is the publisher of The Underground History of American Education by the world-renowned schoolteacher, John Taylor Gatto, which will be released on May 10th.
He is also the Founder of the Education Options Expo, which is an event where parents are introduced to respectful schools and approaches to learning, and where they hear from world leaders who are demonstrating the future of education today.
After selling his business at age 26, he moved to South Korea where he taught English at a high-performance high school. His business background includes work in the fields of insurance, biotechnology, and dentistry. He was born and raised in California, where he attended public school. He received a business degree from San Jose State University. His newest book project with Mr. Gatto has exclusive contributions from Dr. Ron Paul, G. Edward Griffin, and Lew Rockwell, and will be made into a film in 2019.
In addition, Mr. Rodriguez is the Founding Principal of Valor Academy, which is a private school that empowers students to pursue their own interests, passions, and dreams, which may be assisted by courses he’s created at HomeschoolLeader.com.
He is the author of the upcoming book, The Apprenticeship: What Every Student Wants and How to Get It.
Find him on the web at HomeschoolLeader.com – IG: Homeschoolleader – Twitter: W