A lot has changed in healthcare since this 1993 recording, but the resounding problems have remained alarmingly similar: soaring costs, millions uninsured, and more questions than answers. What role should the government play? And which policies have done more harm than good? Listen in with Rita Ricardo-Campbell, Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, and Kevin Hopkins, Senior Domestic Policy Aide during the Reagan Administration, in today’s discussion. Originally Recorded: 1993

A lot has changed in healthcare since this 1993 recording, but the resounding problems have remained alarmingly similar: soaring costs, millions uninsured, and more questions than answers. What role should the government play? And which policies have done more harm than good? Listen in with Rita Ricardo-Campbell, Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, and Kevin Hopkins, Senior Domestic Policy Aide during the Reagan Administration, in today’s discussion.

Originally Recorded: 1993