Today’s podcast, originally recorded in 1978, is a discussion between legendary economist Friedrich Hayek and then economics graduate student Jack High. During the conversation, Hayek talks about his major influences in economics as well as his upbringing in the social sciences. As they dive into Hayek’s philosophical and professional development, they touch on famous names from history such as John Maynard Keynes, Ludwig von Mises, and George Stigler. Originally Recorded:  1978

Today’s podcast, originally recorded in 1978, is a discussion between legendary economist Friedrich Hayek and then economics graduate student Jack High. During the conversation, Hayek talks about his major influences in economics as well as his upbringing in the social sciences. As they dive into Hayek’s philosophical and professional development, they touch on famous names from history such as John Maynard Keynes, Ludwig von Mises, and George Stigler.

Originally Recorded:  1978