Today’s podcast is titled, “The Work of Science Fiction Author Jack Williamson.” Jack Williamson has been publishing science fiction stories and novels since 1928. Over his long career, Williamson has written 52 novels. In this conversation from 1997, biographer and editor, Richard A. Hauptmann leads Williamson through a series of questions that trace the publication history of the author’s novels and short stories.  Listen now, and don’t forget to subscribe to get updates each week for the Free To Choose Media Podcast.

Today’s podcast is titled, “The Work of Science Fiction Author Jack Williamson.”

Jack Williamson has been publishing science fiction stories and novels since 1928. Over his long career, Williamson has written 52 novels. In this conversation from 1997, biographer and editor, Richard A. Hauptmann leads Williamson through a series of questions that trace the publication history of the author’s novels and short stories. 

Listen now, and don’t forget to subscribe to get updates each week for the Free To Choose Media Podcast.