Folks Family, Friends, Revolutionaries, and initiates,

It is a difficult thing to be a lost sol wandering the mortal plane in need of a spiritual filling. Finding balance between humility of religious zealotry and the basic tenets of human civility is a lifelong quest, we beseech many different guides to spiritual harmony. Intermingling cognizant self motivation, divine spiritual following, and the intrinsic dynamic vibration, for self fulfillment is often considered a mystical experience. We learned to find it in a place one would least expect.

While going through one of the more difficult times in our life and having little avenues of self-discovery, we were introduced to Yusef. Sufi Muslim, Father, Husband, Professor teaching  young minds. But to us; the first real connection to a spiritual faith. In times of need or just sharing love, we routinely find our strength of heart and mind from heartfelt conversations here. Whether it is to become a better father, work on showing the devotion of a supportive husband, & or learning how to shepherd and enrich communities; We have found a guide, mentor, brother in spirit; and more. If you feel the love take from it. If you hear the heart, hold on to it. If you need someone; these words are for you- too!

The words of a father and the father shared one a day of Fatherly Recognition- bless.

Thank you Yusef for being the strength behind the growing spirit we have found; All praise be to god. Asset for continuing to ensure the mics, minds, and movements of our evolution into a wildly diverse community are shared from soapbox over mountaintop.

It takes a Mother to bless us poor males with children, to be a father; thank you for the most blessed gift we could ever receive from you- aside your heart.

@Xloomus yes the #HumanizeUs jam is the dig. Where’s the cream filling (words)? Thank you Family, Friends, Revolutionaries, and initiates as we continue to grow our community. It is with you in mind that we ensure it is: uplifting, educational, empathetic, and above all Human. It is only with your ears, hearts, and minds we will be able to find a means to Humanize Us all. Blessed note one thing.

Thoughts are Free, Revolution Takes Action;’ Be Revolutionary.

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