We've had ourselves a good ol' time looking at some other years in cinema history, so why not head back to that well one more time as we take a look at what some have called "the greatest year in cinema history" - 1984. This time, we've brought some help with us as we welcome Mel Barrett to the Free Range Congregation to help us run this thing down and add a dollop of legitimacy to our normal shenanigans.

Mel is a screenwriter and filmmaker who has worked inside and outside Hollywood along with writing a couple of novels as well. Her and Todd will be co-hosting an upcoming podcast about the process of taking a script from page to screen in the near future.

Audio note: we had some weird things happening this episode, so allow us to apologize in advance for any strange background noises or nose whistles that might've made it through!



- With all apologies to LL Cool J... don't call it a comeback... of the Infinity Stones...

- Is there a Star Wars reboot coming that features Rey's son?!?! 

- Sounds like Ewan McGregor has been training and eating his Wheaties in preparation for his upcoming Obi Wan show on The Disney Ploose

- For the sake of reference, here are all the movies released in 1984

- And here's the claim for 1984 as the best year in movie history

- Wow, Todd got one right - Big was released in 1988

- Behold the vast expanse that is Eric Roberts' IMDB page

- The movies that were involved in the "points" exchange were Close Encounters of the Third Kind (Steven Speilberg), Star Wars (George Lucas), and Big Wednesday (John Milius). Pretty sure Lucas wound up getting the cut of Milius' surfing movie and the short end of the stick.



Tim recommends checking out all the new WWE Legends A&E Biography shows from the last few weeks.

Todd thinks you should check out the documentary on screenwriter and director John Milius streaming on Amazon.



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