Finally.... the idiots have come back to the Royal Rumble!

That's right, we step back into the squared circle of idiocy to rewind, review, and recap this year's first PPV in all it's glory and dismal failings. Also, we talk about the new WWE deal with NBC, some more Star Wars news, and our recommendations in And Another Thing. Can... you... dig it... sucka?!?!?!



- Looks like the Star Wars retcon is on

- Vince is gonna be cashing some nice checks from NBC with this new deal

- A little background on our Transformers / G.I. Joe tangent and the (almost) death of Duke

- Paul Heyman talking about his famous shoot promo on Vince McMahon (NSFW language)

- And here's the promo itself from back in the day

- We think it's hard to underestimate how much Todd would rather have seen Gillberg return at the Rumble instead of Goldberg

- And while we're at it, you should also follow Gillberg on Twitter



Tim recommends watching WWE Untold: The Rise of Triple H on the WWE Network

Todd is being a copycat and sticking with wrestling by saying watch Ladies And Gentlemen, My Name Is Paul Heyman on the WWE Network too



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