In today's episode Ben & I got to talk to our good friend from across the pond Antony Sammeroff of The Scottish Liberty Podcast. Antony had sent me an article he stumbled across that seemed to really get wrong the libertarian position on the environment so we decided to do our best to dismantle it.
I know this is a longer episode but I urge to listen through because it was very fun as well as being insightful on a few fronts.
Links For Todays Episode:

The Article
Enlightenment Now - Steven Pinker
The Transformation Of American Law - Martin J Horowitz
Free Markets Green Earth Episode 014 - Who's River Is This

If there's a topic you want to hear more about drop us a line and let us know. Links are always appreciated.
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Free Markets, Green Earth is hosted by Nicky P (Sounds Like Liberty, This Week In Liberpods & Parent 2 Podcaster) as well as The Liberty Hippie: Ben Pangie (Homesteads & Homeschools Podcast.)
Free Markets Green Earth is a proud creation of The Mad Audio Lab.