*******Explicit Content*******

With lucky show number 13, we suffer some technicals causing a substandard recording bat also represents the Liberty Hippies bringing on their inaugural guest, Daniel Weisgarber, a fine Floridian, to talk about Florida things; specifically, fine Florida milk from the Ocheesee Creamery. Daniel shares with us a story of how Florida's asinine definition of skim milk forced the Ocheesee Creamery to dump hundreds of gallons of skim milk a week (at $5 a half-gallon) for almost half a decade, and eventually wound up in court, costing the taxpayers nearly half a million dollars. Links If you enjoyed the show, you can find it on Facebook, give it a like and a share, or even a review on iTunes. And if you're so inclined, you can always use the gmail to make your feelings heard: [email protected]. You can also support out Ben and Nicky through their own shows, Homesteads and Homeschools and Sounds Like Liberty, respectively.

Ocheesee Creamery
Eleventh Circuit Does Not Skim Over First Amendment Concerns in Labeling Milk