41 Minutes

Rated PG-13

Pete invited Jen the Libertarian to return to the show. Jen recently did a podcast entitled, "Against the Dead Consensus," in which she tore apart a manifesto put out by "conservatives" in which the language and ideas espoused, sound an awful lot like Soviet-era propaganda.

Jen the Libertarian

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Against the Dead Consensus Podcast Episode

Against the Dead Consensus - Article

Tucker's Recent Praising of Elizabeth Warren

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41 Minutes

Rated PG-13

Pete invited Jen the Libertarian to return to the show. Jen recently did a podcast entitled, "Against the Dead Consensus," in which she tore apart a manifesto put out by "conservatives" in which the language and ideas espoused, sound an awful lot like Soviet-era propaganda.

Jen the Libertarian

Jen on Twitter

Against the Dead Consensus Podcast Episode

Against the Dead Consensus - Article

Tucker's Recent Praising of Elizabeth Warren

Free Ross Petition

Pete's Patreon

Pete's Bitbacker

Pete's Books on Amazon

Pete's Books Available for Crypto

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