34 Minutes

Suitable for All Ages

Mance welcomes Professor Per Bylund to the show. Per is a Fellow at the Mises Institute and Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship at Oklahoma State University.

Professor Bylund wrote an article for LibertarianInstitute.org entitled, "The Immigration Issue in Libertarianism," in which he delivers a critique of Hans-Hermann Hoppe's "net taxpayer" argument. This justification, used by many Libertarians to advocate for State-enforced border control, is directly refuted in a way you haven't heard before.

The Immigration Issue in Libertarianism

Man and Matter: How the Former Gains Ownership of the Latter

Per Bylund on Twitter

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34 Minutes

Suitable for All Ages

Mance welcomes Professor Per Bylund to the show. Per is a Fellow at the Mises Institute and Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship at Oklahoma State University.

Professor Bylund wrote an article for LibertarianInstitute.org entitled, "The Immigration Issue in Libertarianism," in which he delivers a critique of Hans-Hermann Hoppe's "net taxpayer" argument. This justification, used by many Libertarians to advocate for State-enforced border control, is directly refuted in a way you haven't heard before.

The Immigration Issue in Libertarianism

Man and Matter: How the Former Gains Ownership of the Latter

Per Bylund on Twitter

Mance's Books on Amazon

Mance's Books Available for Crypto

Mance on Facebook

Mance on Twitter

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