Bradley and Karen play a speech recording of Bradley's presentation
at OSCON 2011, entitled 12 Years of FLOSS License Compliance: A
Historical Perspective.

Show Notes:

Segment 0 (00:36)

Bradley mentioned that time travel requires special
verb tenses
according to the Douglas Adams'
book, The
Restaurant at the End of the Universe
. (01:48)

Bradley gave a keynote at
Ohio Linux Fest 2011

Segment 1 (05:02)

This segment is a recording of Bradley's OSCON
2011 talk, entitled 12 Years of Copyleft License Compliance: A
Historical Perspective
. The slides are
available on Bradley's website
so you can follow along during the
talk if you like.

There is a live denting thread from
Bradley's talk
. (03:50)

wrote a blog post
about a minor GPL violation in the Emacs
codebase. It has since
been fixed

RMS mentioned the NeXT/Objective C GPL violation in his essay, Copyleft:
Pragmatic Idealism

Segment 2 (52:35)

Bradley will be speaking at the Google Summer of Code Mentor
Summit 2011
and at LinuxCon
Europe 2011
. (55:05)

Send feedback and comments on the cast
to <[email protected]>.
You can keep in touch with Free as in Freedom on our IRC channel, #faif on, and
by following Conservancy on
and and Twitter.

Free as in Freedom is produced by Dan Lynch
music written and performed
by Mike Tarantino
with Charlie Paxson on drums.

The content
of this
audcast, and the accompanying show notes and music are licensed
under the Creative
Commons Attribution-Share-Alike 4.0 license (CC BY-SA 4.0)

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