Karen announces her new job, and Bradley and Karen discuss the
recent USA Supreme Court decisions on patents.

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Show Notes:

Segment 0 (00:37)

If you have not moved your RSS feed already away from
softwarefreedom.org, and to faif.us, you
should do that now! Here's links to the ogg RSS feed and mp3 RSS feed. New FaiF shows
won't appear on softwarefreedom.org.

is now the Executive Director of the GNOME Foundation
. (04:30)

Bradley served on the GNOME
Foundation Executive Director Hiring Committee
, but resigned when Karen became a serious
. (05:13)

Karen will continue as General Counsel of Question
, and pro-bono counsel to Software Freedom Conservancy, and
will also continue pro bono on some matters for SFLC. (06:30)

Bradley has been working
. (07:34)

Berlin's Tegel
is closing soon. (14:40)

Bradley mentioned that he incorrectly said in 0x11 that Red Hat
doesn't provide sources publicly for RHEL. The RHEL SRPMS
are actually on Red Hat's FTP site
. (18:20)

There are various identica
threads on the RHEL issue from 0x11.(18:47)

Bradley has previously explained the history of the term
“punditocracy” in episode 0x0A
. (27:46)

Segment 1 (28:58)

Bradley and Karen discuss the USA Supreme
Court decision in the Global-Tech Appliances, Inc. v. SEB
S. A. case
, on which SFLC
submitted an amicus brief
, which was previously discussed in FaiF Episode
. (29:55)

Bradley and Karen discuss the USA
Supreme Court decision in the Microsoft Corp. v. i4i
Ltd. Partnership case
, on which the EFF submitted an
amicus brief
. (40:11)

Send feedback and comments on the cast
to <[email protected]>.
You can keep in touch with Free as in Freedom on our IRC channel, #faif on irc.freenode.net, and
by following Conservancy on
and and Twitter.

Free as in Freedom is produced by Dan Lynch
of danlynch.org.
music written and performed
by Mike Tarantino
with Charlie Paxson on drums.

The content
of this
audcast, and the accompanying show notes and music are licensed
under the Creative
Commons Attribution-Share-Alike 4.0 license (CC BY-SA 4.0)

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