Jim Turner is a journeyman character actor you've seen in scores of films and TV guest parts who has great stories about being picked by MTV to be their spokesperson, Randy of The Redwoods. He also has war stories about being replaced on his first big break, terrorizing a nervous guest star actor on Arliss, and great insight for any actor maneuvering in this crazy business. He boasts about being in Will Ferrell and Eddie Murphy's least successful movies.

Also, learn though he is a great guy, why I have to leave any party he and Mark Fite are at.

Also great inside showbiz scoop about what Tom key (Spongebob) demanded on his last contract negotiation.

And Andy Paley joins us who did the theme song for my podcast, and has done the music for Spongebob, Handy Manny, Dick Tracy, and some famous song from Ren and Stimpy Ben Solenberger who sits in seemed to know.