Fred Film Radio sat down with Wendy Mitchell, Festival Producer of Sundance London 2024, to hear more about how the festival collaborates with the Utah edition to bring some of the highlights of its lineup to a UK audience, what characterises a “Sundance” film, some of the standouts of the [...]

The post Sundance London 2024,interview with the festival producer Wendy Mitchell appeared first on Fred Film Radio.

Fred Film Radio sat down with Wendy Mitchell, Festival Producer of Sundance London 2024, to hear more about how the festival collaborates with the Utah edition to bring some of the highlights of its lineup to a UK audience, what characterises a “Sundance” film, some of the standouts of the programme this year, as well as areas they are always looking to improve, such as diversity and helping newcomers into the industry.

The post Sundance London 2024,interview with the festival producer Wendy Mitchell appeared first on Fred Film Radio.