The next life of a parent is their child.Jow Zhi Wei – Tomorrow is a long time #Berlinale2023 was first posted on February 25, 2023 at 12:28 pm.
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PODCAST | Federica Scarpa interviews Jow Zhi Wei, director of the film Tomorrow is a long time.

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Tomorrow is a long time, the first feature film by Jow Zhi Wei, in Generation 14plus at the 73. Berlinale Film Festival it’s a touching film about the relationship and the incommunicability between a father and his son. We talked with the director, who revealed where this story’s inspiration comes from, why he decided to “divide” the film into two parts, and how it makes him feel to be at the Berlinale.

Tomorrow is a long time: Acts of violence bring regret and repercussions for widowed pest exterminator Chua and his son Meng. But control over their lives is not a familiar feeling for either of them. The dense cityscape of Singapore hems them in their precarious existence, offering little tenderness or space to breathe freely. His father’s long shifts of gruelling work for a thankless employer coupled with his grandmother’s advancing illness have left Meng isolated, and susceptible to being pressured into joining ranks with a group of bullies from school. Compulsory military service looms near. The unknown world of the jungle holds its own threats, but also the possibility of bringing Meng closer to understanding his own nature, and connecting with something bigger.

To discover more about the Berlin International Film Festival, click here.

Jow Zhi Wei – Tomorrow is a long time #Berlinale2023 was first posted on February 25, 2023 at 12:28 pm.
©2015 "Fred English Channel". Use of this feed is for personal non-commercial use only. If you are not reading this article in your feed reader, then the site is guilty of copyright infringement. Please contact me at [email protected]