With the presentation of the Comedylab, we enter in a new era for script labs, as Savina Neirotti, educational consultant, and Alec Von Bargen, Head of Sturdies, explain in this interview. Comedy needs a specific lab, with focused exercises and a lot of improv.

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Torino Film Lab has presented the new born ComedyLab, first international workshop in Europe dedicated entirely to the comedy film genre and organised by the National Cinema Museum’s TorinoFilmLab with the support of Creative Europe – MEDIA Subprogram of the European Union. We talked with Savina Neirotti, educational consultant, and Alec Von Bargen, Head of Studies of the Lab.

Why a Lab just for Comedy

Savina Neirotti and Alec Von Bargen explain the reason for the birth of such a specific Lab. Comedy has always been underestimated, considered a minor genre, less artistic or noble. But this is far from truth, and they are here to prove the difficulties and the expertise needed to write a solid good comedy film.

Not the Usual Lab

Comedy has its rules and specific features and a Lab about comedy writing needs to adapt to this. So not only writing sessions, but a lot of improvisations with actors and writers together, to build the perfect connection.

The post Comedylab, interview with educational consultant Savina Neirotti and Head of Studies Alec Von Bargen appeared first on Fred Film Radio.