Kalid & Joe are joined by Rod Faulkner, creator of the 7th Matrix and host of the Eye on Sci-Fi Podcast, to discuss another 'corner' of pop. culture: short films! We discuss 5 independently produced short films that feature monsters that we think fans of this podcast would enjoy.

In order, we discuss:

- The Birch

- Blackwood

- The Fisherman

- Dark Wake

- Dispel

Featured Guest:

Rod is a self-proclaimed 'Blerd' and is the creator of the 7th Matrix and host of the Eye on Sci-Fi Podcast. He's a staunch advocate for indie sci-fi, fantasy, and horror, and particularly strives to help uplift voices of BIPOC communities within these genres. You can also find some of Rod's writings on his personal Medium site and you can follow him on Twitter @rodtfaulkner & @the7thmatrix.

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