As an actor, Matthew Ewald’s extensive experience and career in the industry began in 2001 when he completed not only his first feature film “Terminal Error,” but in the same year was fortunate enough to have portrayed Nicholas Bluetooth on the highly popular FOX science fiction/adventure television series “Galidor.” The franchise, an international hit, spawned Matthew his own action figure, as well as merchandising rights through Cap’N’Crunch cereal, McDonalds Happy Meal Toys, XBOX and Playstation video game consoles, among many others.  He has wrapped production on over sixty-plus films, including one of the lead roles—as the villainous Mallock—in the pilot “Trancers Paradox,” as well as a guest-starring role in “Humber City.”  He was a part of the highly acclaimed video game web-series “Mario Warfare,” as well as the episode “Lolani” for the equally acclaimed “Star Trek: Continues.” He has also had the great honor to have filmed the serious-minded remake of the 1959 classic Edward D. Wood, Jr.’s magnum opus, “Plan 9 From Outer Space.” Matthew has also won the prestigious Macabre Faire Film Festival’s Best Actor in a Feature Film award for his role as Carl in the motion picture “Athena.”

As a writer, Matthew is a published author with a number of horror stories already to his credit (three of which he had been asked to adapt into audio productions).  He is a member of the HWA.  Human Nature marked his debut novel.  His follow-up novel, Whispers in the Cries, is his masterpiece of the genre combining frightening ghost story themes before a backdrop of events surrounding the RMS Queen Mary.  The Coffin Clock is his most heartfelt novel, of high adventure, ghost pirates, and family bonding.