The average attention span used to be about 7 minutes. Today it is even shorter, making it harder and harder and to attract and keep the attention of customers. Jeff Long discusses how you can use videos and e-learning in your business to increase traffic to your site, keep their attention, and keep them coming back.


About Jeff

Jeff is the owner of True Focus Media. True Focus Media "helps you focus your message to your market through media". They create engaging videos, flexible website and effective eLearning/training. 

They specialize in:

Video Production: 
Specializing in media by assisting companies to promote, inform and market through engaging video content...which gets results.

Web Design: 
Creating compelling websites that have social media, multimedia and engaging content. Their websites can enable the user to add content, blogs, video and photos! 

Combining audio, video, website integration and developing an eLearning portal where your employees, students and learners can access your training content. This is a great way to teach/train in a cost effective way.


Show Highlights

Ø  Building Trust

Ø  Increasing Engagement

Ø  Systematizing with E-Learning

Ø  Marketing Strategy

Ø  Streamlining


Want to know more about Jeff?


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