After The Avengers, superhero cinema has never been the same. Suddenly, everything needed to be interconnected, featuring tons of characters and an increasingly complicated timeline. Naturally, the X-Men series retroactively created its own shared universe of sorts with X-Men: Days of Future Past.

Fourteen years after the first film, director Bryan Singer's film combined the original trilogy cast and that of X-Men: First Class to create a time-travel adventure that raised the bar for what Marvel's mutants could do onscreen. Or at the very least, it put pressure on the series to be more ambitious.

Film critic Rosa Parra joins Franchise Detours to travel back to 2014's X-Men: Days of Future Past, a movie that feels like even more of a wild swing nearly a decade later. We'll discuss its unique place in the series, that epic cast, and how this installment may have doomed the series going forward.

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