As we raise our glasses to the final installment of the Three Flavours Cornetto trilogy, Franchise Detours dives into the bittersweet, otherworldly journey of 2013's The World’s End. The film ends the series with a poignant commentary on friendship, nostalgia, and the inescapable march of time.

Robert Stewart of Stew World Order joins the show to discuss director/co-writer Edgar Wright and co-writer/star Simon Pegg's grand sci-fi finale. We'll discuss how The World’s End blends genre elements with the raw emotion of revisiting one’s past and the trilogy’s signature comedic punch.

Join us as we unpack the legacy of the Three Flavours Cornetto trilogy. Let's explore how this third film’s sci-fi elements enhance its underlying themes, its recurring motifs and gags, and how the character arcs have evolved from Shaun of the Dead to Hot Fuzz and, finally, The World's End.

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